Geriatric Education Hub, A virtual gateway to education and resources produced by the HSC Center for Older Adults


Welcome to UNTHSC’s Geriatrics Education Hub ...

a connection to online courses, self-study modules, and other resources designed to increase proficiency in caring for older adults across disciplines and career stages.

Continuing Education On Demand

Addressing Depression in the Context of Age-Friendly Care 

Explore suicidal epidemiology, assessment, and treatment for Major Depressive Disorder in older adults.

Advance Care Planning

Guide those you care for to express their wishes for end-of-life care and document those preferences.

Advocating for Independence Part 1 - Assessing Capacity, Mistratment, and Social Determinants of Health

Determine patients' decision-making capacity and incapacity and identify healthcare team roles related to accessing capacity.

Advocating for Independence Part 2 - Assessing Capacity, Mistratment, and Social Determinants of Health

Identify risks for elder mistreatment and the role social determinants of health play in risks.

Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems

Dive into the IHI Age-Friendly 4M Framework and learn how to address a persistent unmet need for medical practices that focus care on older adults' health goals and preferences. 

Comprehensive Management of Osteoporosis in Primary Care

Develop personalized strategies to improve bone health for older adults taking an interprofessional approach to osteoporosis prevention and management.

High-Risk Medications in the Elderly

Address the characteristics of high-risk medications, and how to mitigate those risks for older adult patients.

Home-based Primary Care

This module will provide a framework for delivering home-based primary care including benefits, safety assessment, eligibility and Medicare regulations for home visits and home health.

Promoting Medicare Annual Wellness Visits

Educates providers and clinical staff regarding the components, documentation, and benefits of providing Medicare Annual Wellness Visits to all eligible patients.

Sexuality, Intimacy and Dementia

Address common misconceptions to appropriately meet the needs of patients with dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease and explain techniques to family members/caregivers.

SPIKES - A Six-step Protocol for Delivering Bad News

The SPIKES communication framework will help determine a patient's values, participation level in decision-making, and provide a plan to address the emotions and reactions when bad news is conveyed. 

Supporting Persons Living with Dementia and Their Caregivers

Discusses Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias offering resources and guidance on using the Chronic and Principle Care Management billing codes to support care coordination for patients with dementia and their caregivers.

Telemedicine: Addressing Barriers for Special Populations

Explores providing telemedicine care for older adults and those with disabilities based on overcoming barriers and adapting to residential setting type.

Live Virtual Continuing Education

Geriatric ECHO

The goal of this series is to train primary care resident physicians and healthcare professionals to confidently assess and act on the 4M's of Age-Friendly care (Matters Most, Mentation, Mobility, Medication), thus improving care for older adults in their community. The Geriatric ECHO welcomes all primary care professionals and is especially focused on reaching healthcare professionals serving rural and tribal primary care sites.

Series Options -  Click the link to view specific topics and register for the sessions.

Series Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, learners should be able to:

  • Transform clinical training by integrating age-friendly and dementia-friendly approaches. 
  • Impact practice in TTOUR (Tribal, tribal organizations, underserved and/or rural) primary care settings through interprofessional geriatrics clinical training and education.
  • Provide workforce education and training in TTOUR primary care settings to improve care for older adults including persons living with dementia.

Target Audience -

This activity is intended for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, certified public health professionals, social workers, physical therapists, and licensed professional counselors.

Community Health Worker Training - Live and On Demand

Aging Well Together: CHW Training for Age-Friendly & Dementia-Friendly Care

This activity will prepare community health workers to connect older adults and their caregivers to essential resources needed to support their care. This is especially important in rural, underserved, and tribal communities. 

This program can also be delivered in person for groups. Please contact Dr. Teresa Wagner at if interested.



Nursing Home Specific Modules

Enhanced barrier precautions in nursing homes

ICARE - Enhanced Barrier Precautions for Long-Term Care Ombudsmen - this module is specific to the role of long-term care ombudsmen.

ICARE - Enhanced Barrier Precautions - this module is appropriate for all concerned individuals.

Nursing care for those living with dementia

Providing Nursing Care for Those Living with Dementia - This activity is a series of "mini-modules": Promotion and Support of Activity and Safe Mobility, Creating Meaningful Activities for Residents, Nonpharmacological Approaches to Behavioral Management, Dementia and Behavioral Health Medications, and Promotion of Oral Hygiene. Each topic takes about 15 minutes to complete and you can go in and out of the activity saving your progress.

About Us

As part of the national network of Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Programs funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration, we offer FREE training for primary care, nursing home, direct care, and supportive care workforces to improve age-friendly and dementia-friendly care for older adults.

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