Considerations of Cognitive Assessment in Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disorders (10.14.24) |
10/14/2024 - 12:00pm CDT to 10/15/2024 - 11:59pm CDT |
Update on Vitamin D: Should the Geriatrician or Family Doctor be Screening? (11.11.24) |
11/11/2024 - 12:00pm CST to 11/12/2024 - 11:59pm CST |
Palliative Pain Management (12.09.24) |
12/09/2024 - 12:00pm CST to 01/17/2025 - 11:59pm CST |
Cultural Aspects of Care (01.13.25) |
01/13/2025 - 12:00pm CST to 01/14/2025 - 11:59pm CST |
The Concept of Total Pain (02.10.25) |
02/10/2025 - 12:00pm CST to 02/11/2025 - 11:59pm CST |