Series date: 
10/01/2023 - 12:00am CDT to 09/30/2024 - 12:00am CDT


The purpose is to present clinical problems, updates on new and innovative developments in research and technology, and address other related issues that our current and future surgeons face.  Grand Rounds are an essential component of medical education, teaching new information and enhancing clinical reasoning skills. Surgery Grand Rounds is dedicated to support formal quality and process improvement based on high quality, reliable data specific to the Emergency General Surgery (EGS) program. The American College of Surgeons’ (ACS, 2022) Optimal Resources for Emergency General Surgery identifies “programs should educate primary care physicians and other providers on the identification and timely diagnosis of EGS conditions to avoid delays in transfer and intervention. The EGS Program must offer one or more education, prevention, and/or early detection programs annually” (p. 71). Caring for those critically ill requires mastering a highly specialized body of knowledge focusing on diseases and the resulting pathophysiological responses. Expert care is expected and essential throughout the hospital continuum (Forgione & Guraya, 2019). Educational offerings and defined standards required for healthcare providers providing optimal surgical care are vital for a positive impact on patient outcomes. Surgical education provides increased knowledge on current practices with the latest evidence-based research and hands on skill offer technique mastering.

Series Objectives

Upon completion of this activity leaners should be able to:

  • Increase knowledge and comprehension of emergency general surgical physiology and pathophysiology; 
  • Enhance competence in assessment, diagnosis, non-surgical and surgical treatment, communication, and post-operative management of the ill patient; and
  • Improve surgical performance and outcomes measures.

Target Audience

The target audience is primarily comprised physicians, resident physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners working in Surgery and Trauma.  Other health care professionals will receive a certificate of attendance.

Series location: 
JPS Health Network
1501 S. Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76104
United States