This conference discusses the systematic factors that influence the care of our patients at JPS. Frequently, we interact with individuals in other services and departments, including the Nursing, Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Trauma Surgery, Radiology, Anesthesia, Case Management, and Operating Room personnel. Our Department discusses current policies and procedures, edits policies and procedures, evaluates the effects of changes, and communicates with members of our department and other departments. An example would be how the Orthopaedic Department personnel interacts with the Emergency Medicine Department personnel when caring for patients needing closed reduction of fractures: the goal in this example would be to improve communication, throughput, and patient satisfaction.
Series Objectives
Upon completion of this activity leaners should be able to:
- Identify system errors and develop system solutions;
- Develop recommendations for orthopaedic system-based practices at JPS Health Network;
- Determine current AAOS Operational metrics and modify current JPS Health Network policies to reflect need for change; and
- Incorporate considerations of cost awareness and risk benefit analysis in patient care
Target Audience
JPS Health Network Orthopaedic team. Invited attendees only.